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About Us

Photo Credit: TECF

The Marine Protected Area (MPA) is managed by many different people and organisations, together we have a partnership in place with a small team who help to coordinate this work.

Photo credit TECF

The Team

There is a small team working behind the scenes to manage the partnerships, forums and programs that help to coordinate and manage the MPA.

TECF logo

The Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum

The Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum, known as TECF is a coastal and estuary partnership set up to provide collaborative management of the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries.

three kayakers on the Yealm Estuary on a sunny day
Photo Credit: TECF

Marine Recreation Impacts

The Marine Recreation Mitigation and Management Scheme (MRMMS) sets out a program of works to ensure local people and tourism don't damage and disturbance our MPA habitats and species.