The Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum (TECF) is the coastal and estuary partnership for the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Marine Protected Area. It is made up of organisations and local authorities with statutory responsibility towards the management of the MPA.
TECF and its advisory groups - the Port of Plymouth Marine Liaison Committee (PPMLC) and the Wembury Voluntary Marine Conservation Area Advisory Group (WAG) - provide an effective and collaborative framework for managing the MPA whilst recognising the commercial, defence and recreational importance of the site.
Core members

King's Harbour Master
The Kings Harbour Master (KHM) (TECF Chair) and team are responsible for ensuring safe and orderly passage and activity for all vessels within the waters of the Dockyard Port of Plymouth, as well as the protection of the port, the Royal Navy and its vessels and other government assets. Their responsibilities also include environmental issues, oil pollution contingency and response and conservation to the management of the water space for all users.
01752 663225
(Port Control Longroom)

Plymouth City Council
Plymouth City Council (PCC) (TECF Host) is one of the five Local Authorities that border the MPA, PCC have a legal responsibility to protect and restore the MPA. They are a significant landowner of the surrounding land and own some of the seabed. They are the planning authority down to low water and regulate land use. They are also a Lead local Flood Authority.

Assosiated British Ports
Assosiated British Ports (ABP) operate Millbay Docks, the ferry terminal with routes to France and Spain.

Cattewater Harbour Commissioners
Cattewater Harbour Commissioners (CHC) are the delegated harbour authority for the Cattewater. They maintain order and safe navigation for craft by surveying and dredging the channels, maintaining navigation marks and lights, providing pilotage services and traffic regulation within the Cattewater and pilotage services to the remainder of the civil port.

Cornwall Council
Cornwall Council (CC) is one of the five Local Authorities that border the MPA, CC have a legal responsibility to protect and restore the MPA. They are a significant landowner of the surrounding land and own some of the seabed. They are the planning authority down to low water and regulate land use. They are also a Lead local Flood Authority.

Devon County Council
Devon County Council (DCC) is one of the five Local Authorities that border the MPA. They are the District Council which South Hams District and West Devon borough Council sit under. DCC have a legal responsibility to protect and restore the MPA. They are also a Lead local Flood Authority

Duchy of Cornwall
The Duchy of Cornwall is a major owner of the fundus (seabed) throughout the MPA and supports conservation projects that help to protect the marine environment. The Duchy also have a role in planning consents in their areas of ownership
01579 343149
(Western District)

Natural England
Natural England (NE) is a Government Arms Length Body that advises the Government on the natural environment. Its remit is to set conservation objectives and provide supplementary guidance for the site and assess and monitor the condition protected features.

South Hams District Council
South Hams District Council (SHDC) is one of the five Local Authorities that border the MPA. SHDC have a legal responsibility to protect and restore the MPA. They are the planning authority down to low water and regulate land use.

Sutton Harbour
Sutton Harbour (SH) has responsibility for the operation of the Sutton Harbour which includes the Fish Market and the and the lock gates.

West Devon Borough Council
West Devon Borough Council (WDBC) is one of the five Local Authorities that border the MPA. WDBC have a legal responsibility to protect and restore the MPA. They are the planning authority down to low water and regulate land use.
Other members and guests

Environment Agency
The Environment Agency (EA) is a Government Arms Length Body, its remit includes regulating major industry and waste, flood risk and coastal management, managing water quality and resources, fisheries in inland rivers, and conservation and ecological management.

Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities
The Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) have a legal responsibility to manage inshore fisheries. which includes the introduction and enforcement of permitting and byelaws. They manage the waters on the Cornwall half of the MPA.

Devon & Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities
The Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) have a legal responsibility to manage inshore fisheries. which includes the introduction and enforcement of permitting and byelaws. They manage the waters on the Devon half of the MPA.

Marine Management Organisation
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is a Government Arms Length Body, it’s remit is to license, regulate and plan marine activities (England). They are the licencing authority for development in the water, up to Mean High Water. They also are responsible for managing non-licensable activities (e.g. recreation).

Environment Agency
The Environment Agency (EA) is a Government Arms Length Body, its remit includes regulating major industry and waste, flood risk and coastal management, managing water quality and resources, fisheries in inland rivers, and conservation and ecological management.

Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities
The Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) have a legal responsibility to manage inshore fisheries. which includes the introduction and enforcement of permitting and byelaws. They manage the waters on the Cornwall half of the MPA.

Plymouth Sound National Marine Park

South Devon National Landscape
South Devon National Landscape (SDNL) is one of the three Landscape Partnerships surrounding the site, covering Jennycliffe Bay to the Yealm Estuary. The team works to enhance the the special landscape qualities for which the landscape with designated, which includes its coastlines and seascapes. the estuaries.

Tamar Valley National Landscape
Tamar Valley National Landscape (TVNL) is one of the three Landscape Partnerships surrounding the site, covering the land surrounding the River Lynher, Tamar and Tavey. The team works to enhance the the special landscape qualities for which the landscape with designated, which include is estuaries and heritage.