Results 11 - 20 of 54
TECF The Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum (TECF) is the coastal and estuary partnership for the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Marine Protected Area. It is made up of organisations and local authorities with statutory responsibility towards the management …
Coastal Concordat
Coastal Concordat Coastal development can be complex as often multiple consents can be required from different organisations. The Coastal Concordat provides a framework within which separate processes for consenting coastal developments can be better …
Regulatory Bodies
Regulatory Bodies If you are considering any kind of development or works in the vicinity of the Estuary or coast, you will need to contact at least one of the following regulatory bodies or Local Planning Authorities who will be able to advise what, if …
Minimising Ecological Impacts
Minimising Ecological Impacts Photo credit Keith Hiscock Developments below the high water mark can have a profound effect on the dynamic marine environment. Careful design and planning can minimise these impacts and further information is given below …
Solid Coastal Development
Solid Coastal Development These types of development include waterfront, coastal defence schemes and other schemes which involve construction of structures adjacent to the shoreline or below mean high water springs. Also included are slipways and …
Footpaths and Cycleways
Footpaths & Cycleways Increased human activity near the water's edge can disturb over-wintering birds and can cause damage to fragile habitats through trampling. In order to avoid these impacts, waterfront development should comply with the following …
Stilted Coastal Development
Stilted Coastal Development Photo credit: Tiegan Phillips These types of development include waterfront, coastal defence schemes and other schemes which involve construction of structures adjacent to the shoreline or below mean high water springs. Also …
Jetties and Pontoons
Jetties & Pontoons If construction is done badly, marinas and jetties have the potential to impact on the ecology of the estuary through poor working practices during the construction phase (noise and pollution), through loss of habitat or by indirectly …
Marinas If construction is done badly, marinas and jetties have the potential to impact on the ecology of the estuary through poor working practices during the construction phase (noise and pollution), through loss of habitat or by indirectly causing …
Dredging The river basin and the seabed are highly dynamic environments, with many hundreds of tonnes of sediment constantly on the move by the currents and tides. When currents slow, the sediments carried by the water are deposited on the seabed. If the …